Tuesday 29 May 2007

BRAD blames the ladies AGAIN


His fellow AMERICANS are drunk at the wheel and killing each other like running over cane toads on a hot Ausie highway, yet who does BRAD blame at the end of it all? Yep - it's WOMEN'S FAULT AGAIN! This time that hate group Mothers Against Drunk Driving. BRAD sure knows how to HIT his TARGETS.

BRad'S post here

Monday 21 May 2007

What I LIKE about BRAD pt 1 (of a MILLION)

You know what I LIKE about BRAD?

He knows how to TREAT a WOMAN.

None of that nonsense luvvie duvvie steppin' around on egg shells nice-ness. Just TELL EM HOW YOU FEEL AND IF THEY DONT LIKE IT, THEY CAN LUMP IT!


Posh SPICE - pummeled!

PARIS Hilton - pummeled!

Rosie O'Donnell - pummeled!

and even better - ALL WOMEN - pummeled!!!!!!!

"Oh, and women...it's like they were taught by their mothers that eye contact is an admission that you fancy some bloke. Hey ladies, grow the hell up!" - Brad.

ITS about time women took a long hard look at what THEY HAVE DONE.


Saturday 19 May 2007

LIFE imitates ART imitates BRAD


First LOGIC ran AMUCK - now a GORILLA runs AMUCK!

MAN - it is like a METAPHOR FOR BRAD in the worLd....

Friday 18 May 2007


Brad sez:

I'm often surprised when I ask people if they have a favorite quote or saying that directs them in their daily lives and the majority of people can't think of one.

There are three that guide me and I remember more often than not. The first two I found in fortune cookies and I have actually kept them in my wallet all these years. Here they are:

Your principles mean more to you than any money or success.

By ignorance we mistake, and by mistakes we learn.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison (shown at left)

Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'.


NOW most ppl would b3 ashamed to admit to livin their life by a FORTUNE COOKIES. but not BRAD. He KEEPS THEM IN HIS WALLET AT ALL TIMES.

MAN that's dedication! THAT IS WHY HE IS THE LEADER. learn from this.

BRAD on Mofo-witz

Brad sez:

Wolfowitz is finally resigning from the World Bank. Thank God. After all these weeks of his lies and trying to hang on and not thinking about what's best for the international community, the SOB has finally left. He's lack of respect of his job shined through and he cared more about his scummy girlfriend.

He's embarrassed the international community and wasted precious time. But what makes it worse is that Bush has stood by him all this time when he knew what the real truth was. Bush looks just as much as a stooge as Wolfowitz and the international community is laughing at them both AND the American people.

This 'Wolfowitz debacle' is another clear example of an American president who (1) doesn't respect the international community and (2) clearly shows his lack of experience in international diplomacy to know he must balance the needs of the rest of the planet with those of the US.

Wolfowitz broke the rules and flaunted the role he was given. But what's worse, Pres. Bush let him and thought more about himself than the real role and respect of the World Bank. Shame.


GO BRAD, GO! I HATE it when people laugh at the American people and THIS SOaB is to blame!

MAN his grlfriend is so scummy, how come there are no pictures of the HAG anywhere???????

What would BRAD say to this???????

BRAD - your public needz to know what you what you would say to this...


Van vandalism sinks wedding plans

A Cumbrian couple's wedding plans are all at sea after the prospective bride dumped her fiance's work van, and all his clothes, into a harbour.

Following a pub row, Emma Thomason, 24, of Whitehaven, loaded her boyfriend's van with his belongings, then rolled it off a ramp at the town's marina.

The argument started when Jason Wilson, 24, wanted to stay out with friends and Miss Thomason wanted to go home.

Mr Wilson said his employer had been "very good" about the £15,000 damage.

I haven't told her yet that the wedding is off, but I think she can put two and two together Jason Wilson

The first he knew of the incident was when he was called by his boss Graham Wilson, 29, who is not related.

The 24-year-old plasterer told reporters: "People had seen the van bobbing around in the water. They called the police, who contacted my boss.

"He was furious, but has been very good about it. I'm very grateful. Emma isn't sorry one little bit. She insists that I am the one in the wrong and that it is all my fault.

"She put every single last item of clothing I had in the back of the van. All I was left with were the clothes I was wearing.

"I haven't told her yet that the wedding is off, but I think she can put two and two together."

Harbour drained

The couple, who have been together for seven years and have two children, had booked a £2,000 Caribbean honeymoon just 24 hours earlier.

Miss Thomason is now on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of aggravated vehicle taking without consent.

Police were called to the marina on Sunday night, but it took almost 20 hours to pull the van from the water in a difficult salvage operation, which involved partly draining the harbour.

Mr Wilson's boss admitted he was struggling to see the funny side.

He said: "I'll be asking Jason for an explanation but he's not to blame. She has her own car - why didn't she load his stuff into that and drive it into the marina?

"I just hope the insurance company is prepared to pay out."


MAN! Marry her??????? - I think BRAD would say "HE's as dumb as he looks for having 2 KIDS with her in the first place! And dont get me STARTED on BREASTFEEDING!!!!!!!!"

Thursday 17 May 2007

North Korea Brainwashing

Brad sez:

I recently had the opportunity to watch a great documentary from National Geographic called 'North Korea Undercover'. It debuted in the US months ago and is just now being shown on National Geographic's UK channel.

The NatGeo production team followed a Nepalese eye surgeon with hidden cameras as he operated on 1,000 people with cataracts in 10 days. They had the opportunity to see the hidden side of a country few ever see.

The most incredible part of the documentary was how the North Koreans are so brainwashed into believing and loving their communist government. In the last ten minutes, you see all these North Koreans with eye patches on in one room. Immediately after regaining their sight, rather than thanking the doctor, people started crying and bowing and giving thanks in front of pictures of the Dear Leader Kim Jong Il (shown above) and his father, Kim Il Sung as hundreds clapped and cheered in unison.

It was absolutely incredible how North Korea has become such a sad state where no one trust another and believe they exist for one person. Another documentary I saw recently showed North Koreans in their homes where each and every person has a speaker that pipes in daily propaganda that teaches every one that Kim Jong Il is the beloved.

I never saw such an extreme personality cult before. You feel so sorry for the North Koreans. The one thing that shocked me the most was the North Koreans hatred of the United States. Hopefully, one day the people can be freed and the country can prosper and be reunified into one Korean nation.

But you certainly can't believe after watching this video that all these people believe what they're saying. Even sadder, you feel these people are so afraid of each other that they just repeat what the government wants to hear like robots because they fear everyone around them.

The documentary said it best: "After generations of absolute rule and complete indoctrination, perhaps there is very little difference between faith and fear (in North Korea)."

After seeing this documentary, I have just one thing to say...don't ever under-estimate the power of propaganda.

Right-ON BRad! How could anybody not luv Americans????? I HATE it when people dont luv AMERICANS. Theze guyz are TWISTED!